
🦷 Dental Care for Pets


Did you know that a consistent dental care routine is as important for your pets as it is for you? Read on to find out different ways you can combat the build up of plaque & tartar on your pet's teeth, and enjoy exclusive discounts on products to help keep your pet's oral hygiene in tip-top conditions!

The dangers of dental disease

Dental disease in pets is caused when plaque forms on the tooth surface. Plague is a mixture of bacteria, saliva and food particles in the mouth. Over time, plaque hardens into tartar and real damage can be caused to the teeth and gums.

Advanced dental disease can be extremely painful for your pet and treating it will cost a lot of money. The best way to avoid future mouth problems is to:

  • Take your pet to the vet for regular check-ups or whenever you notice signs of plaque or tartar.
  • Start a dental health plan at home that includes daily brushing. 

The dangers of dental disease

Dental disease in pets is caused when plaque forms on the tooth surface. Plague is a mixture of bacteria, saliva and food particles in the mouth. Over time, plaque hardens into tartar and real damage can be caused to the teeth and gums.

Advanced dental disease can be extremely painful for your pet and treating it will cost a lot of money. The best way to avoid future mouth problems is to:

  • Take your pet to the vet for regular check-ups or whenever you notice signs of plaque or tartar.
  • Start a dental health plan at home that includes daily brushing. 

The importance of brushing your pet’s teeth

You probably brush your own teeth at least twice a day (or at least we hope you do!) But did you know that vets advise that pets should also have their teeth brushed daily with special pet toothpaste?

It can take time to gently introduce your pet to brushing at first. Start with a finger brush and gradually increase the time you spend brushing until you can rub paste into all the external tooth surfaces.

If your dog or cat is extremely against the idea of brushing, a good plan B is to let them lick the paste off your finger, which should transfer some of the product on to their teeth.

The importance of brushing your pet’s teeth

You probably brush your own teeth at least twice a day (or at least we hope you do!) But did you know that vets advise that pets should also have their teeth brushed daily with special pet toothpaste?

It can take time to gently introduce your pet to brushing at first. Start with a finger brush and gradually increase the time you spend brushing until you can rub paste into all the external tooth surfaces.

If your dog or cat is extremely against the idea of brushing, a good plan B is to let them lick the paste off your finger, which should transfer some of the product on to their teeth.

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  • Dental Treats
  • Oral Care
  • Teething Toys

Dental Care Tips for Cats

Dental Care Tips for Cats

Cats are great at hiding when they are in discomfort so you’ll need to be proactive in checking them for dental disease.

1) No.1 on your dental shopping list should be a quality enzyme toothpaste and brush.

2) Dental cat snacks make tasty rewards but also help with keeping those pearly whites healthy.

3) Supplements that can be added to your cat's food make a great alternative for cats who really resent having their teeth brushed.

Dental Care Tips for Dogs

Dog Dental Health Tips

There are no excuses for doggy breath anymore with the array of dental health products out there to help! Here's what should be on your dog's shopping list:

1) No.1 on your dental shopping list should be a quality pet enzyme toothpaste and brush.

2) Dental dog snacks are designed to give your pup a yummy treat that also helps with reducing plaque.

3) Special dental dog toys designed to gently clean teeth and massage gums.

Dental Diets

Dental Diets

Does your pet already have dental disease? Or are you worried that they may be prone to dental issues in future?

There are many foods available that can help support dental health, alongside your pet’s daily brushing routine. Often these foods have a special kibble shape or texture that has a cleaning effect on teeth.

Learn More

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