Dog Adoption and Ownership

7 min

10 Things You Should Know Before Adopting a Dog

If you fall for a little puppy or cute dog from an animal shelter, the future suddenly looks rosy. It's obvious that a canine friend will bring plenty of joy, but you should also familiarise yourself with the demanding aspects of dog ownership before choosing life with a four-legged companion.

14 min

10 tips for taking the perfect photo of your dog

“Say cheese!” It is not at all easy to get your dog into the right light on command and photograph it from its best side. Nevertheless, you will read here how you can pep your dog up for a photo shoot and which professional tips you should follow to get a successful photo of your dog.

5 min

5 Good Reasons to Adopt an Older Dog

Let's be honest: Almost every dog lover wants a small, cuddly puppy. Adult dogs, such as from an animal shelter or animal welfare organisation, often have poor chances of being successfully rehomed. This is a shame, because adopting an older dog brings many benefits. Find out here what these are. 

6 min

6 Reasons Not to Give a Dog as a Christmas Gift

Lots of children yearn for a pet of their own. Some of them will even write “I wish for a dog” in scrawly handwriting on their Christmas list! Getting a puppy for Christmas may sound adorable but it is generally not a good idea. A puppy also isn’t a suitable present even for an adult. Here you will find six reasons why a dog is not an appropriate Christmas gift.

4 min

7 reasons why dogs make our lives better

It is probably difficult for most dog owners to imagine life without a dog, since their canine companion is always by their side and dogs are known to be man's best friends. In fact, dogs are beneficial to us in many areas – often without us knowing. Read in the following article seven reasons why dogs make our lives better.

5 min

Adopting a Puppy from Abroad

Sometimes your perfect pet happiness can only be found many miles away and you or your future dog will need to cross borders to start a future together. This is often the case for anyone on the lookout for a specific or rare breed, or those looking to home a dog without the help of animal shelters. Here are some tips if you are considering adopting a puppy from abroad.

4 min

All Good Dogs Come in Two – or Three?

In contrast to rabbits or parrots, dogs don't necessarily need a fellow canine companion, because you as the owner are their most important contact. Nevertheless, many dog lovers fancy a second or third dog. The advantages are obvious: your dog always has someone to play with, you can easily take at least two well-trained dogs on walks and feeding and grooming merely involve cleaning up.

3 min

Can Dogs Dream?

You have probably observed this phenomenon before: dogs bobbing their paws, twitching their tail and gently whining in their sleep. This begs the question: are dogs somehow able to have dreams?

10 min

Cats and Dogs Cohabiting

Fight like cats and dogs? On an idiomatic level, dogs and cats can't stand each other. The two squabblers can live together peacefully and very happily though – as long as a few rules are observed. Find out here what these rules are and what tricks are needed for cat and dog cohabitation to work.

6 min

Christmas Presents for Dogs

Ho, ho, ho! Christmas is just around the corner and your dog is also looking forward to those exciting presents under the tree. Naturally, your canine companion is part of your close-knit family unit. Your dog will be very grateful for each and every present, whether it comes in the shape of a new blanket or a toy. Dogs give their owners love and loyalty every day and those of you who love giving gifts to your dog in return will find great ideas for the perfect present for your pet here.

3 min

Determining Dog Age: How Old Is My Dog?

If you get a puppy from a breeder, they mostly know your dog's age to the very day. In contrast, animal shelters or animal welfare associations usually cannot give precise information about the dog's age. In such cases, it has to be estimated based on different indicators. We will show you how you can determine dog age.

6 min

Dog adoption during the COVID-19 lockdown

Many people are currently severely limited, with the coronavirus pandemic leading to lockdowns or even a quarantine. During this unusual isolation period, the desire for a four-legged companion grows for many animal lovers. If not now – when? After all, many have plenty of time right now to spend with a new pet. We will explain why spontaneous dog purchases aren't a good idea.

12 min

Festive Dangers for your Dog: Tips for a Safe and Happy Christmas

A broken glass Christmas tree bauble, a new Advent wreath, an over-turned Christmas tree and a hard-to-digest festive menu: this time of year presents many dangers, not only for us humans but particularly for our four-legged friends. Here we can show you where the risks lurk for your dogs, how to prevent them, and how to act quickly and appropriately in an emergency.

6 min

Getting Dogs Used to Normal Life After COVID-19

Many dog owners have spent more time at home than usual during the coronavirus lockdown restrictions. Now relaxations are gradually coming into force: we are going into the office rather than working at home and to the cinema rather than the sofa in the evenings. Some dogs suffer from their owner being out of the house more frequently. We will give you tips to get your dog calmly through the period following COVID-19 isolation.

5 min

How to build a dog house

Does your dog spend a lot of time in the garden and you would like to give it a weatherproof kennel? If you have some skills with hammers, nails and the like, here are instructions on how to build a dog house.

4 min

Pedigree or mixed breed dog?

The decision has been taken: a dog will be joining your family! Now the real work begins. After all, the new family member should move in as soon as possible, but you want to be as well prepared at possible at the same time. But where are animal lovers best off looking for their new dog: in an animal shelter or with a breeder? Should they be pedigree or a mixed breed dog?

6 min

Plants that are toxic for dogs

The dose makes the poison. Nevertheless, if you suspect your dog has been poisoned, it is important to know which toxic substance your dog has consumed, so that the vet can treat your pet without delay. The following list will tell you which plants are toxic for dogs so you can avoid having them in your home.

5 min

Second Dog: Which Dog Breeds Go Well Together?

Some dog lovers would like to start with two dogs straight away. For others, a second dog only enters their home slightly later. But which pedigree dogs are best suited to a long-established companion? Of course not just the breed plays a role when looking for a second dog, but many others factors like sex, age and socialisation too. Despite this, some dogs get on better with each other than others do. We will give you tips on dog breeds that go well together. 

7 min

Small or Large Dog? The Pros and Cons

Would you like to own a dog and haven't yet chosen a certain breed? The size of the new family member can be important too. Especially with very small (under 6 kilograms) and very large dogs (over 40 kilograms), size has an impact upon day-to-day life with a dog.

8 min

Understanding Dog Language

People who have lived with a dog for a long time usually know intuitively what it wants to say. In contrast, canine language can be difficult for first-time owners, because it is very complex. Unfortunately, misunderstandings can also have serious consequences – such as if a dog doesn't know how to handle itself and suddenly bites. This article helps you to better understand canine language.

6 min

Valentine’s Day: Top Picks for Dogs

On 14 February we are celebrating St Valentine, a day where everything revolves around our loved ones. It’s becoming more and more usual to treat not just your partner on Valentine’s Day, but your friends both human and four legged. We’ve put together some of our top picks when it comes to the purrfect Valentine’s gift for your four-legged friend!

7 min

What dogs understand

Some dog lovers are sure that their canine companion understands them perfectly. Nevertheless, there are often misunderstandings between humans and dogs in day-to-day life, because what appears self-explanatory to us isn't always so clear for dogs. What do dogs really understand?

6 min

Working From Home With Dogs

The world is becoming more digital and more and more people can work from home. This includes employees, freelancers and many self-employed workers. However, developments regarding coronavirus have made it necessary for more people to work from home. This can be challenging if there is a dog in the family. If it is planned well though and our ideas are incorporated, a dog can be a very enriching part of home office. The following tips will help you and your dog get through a working day together in a relaxed manner!