Cat Agility and Games

4 min

Cat Agility

Play and exercise are fundamental components of a healthy feline life. If your cat gets bored, a wide range of complaints will soon emerge. Most cats love challenges that train their body and mind. Cat agility is a wonderful opportunity to link fun with developmental support. It appeals to your cat's natural curiosity and can be carried out both indoors and outdoors.

4 min

Cat yoga

Many gyms are currently closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. For many people, their usual yoga sessions are currently taking place in the four walls of their own home. Some people are using the time to try out yoga for the first time with the help of online courses. Cat owners are asking how cat yoga works? We'll give you some tips!

2 min

Intelligence Toys for Cats – Keeping Cats Occupied

Cats are real-life cuddly toys for many people: they are soft and love close proximity to humans and being indulged. What many cat owners forget though is that their cuddly toys are little wild animals at heart! They are rarely satisfied with and stimulated by life on the couch.

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Laser Pointer for Cats

Opinions differ greatly with regard to whether laser pointers make suitable cat toys. In the following article, we will outline a few aspects that allow you to weigh up the pros and cons and to make your own decision concerning your beloved cat.

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Making your own cat toys: 5 easy and cheap ideas

Cats are putting their hunting instincts into practice when they play. Playing is important and the more diverse the toys, all the better. Five ideas on how you can make your own cat toys – with inexpensive items that can be found in every household.