
2 min

Your First Aquarium

Anyone who has fulfilled the lifelong dream of buying an aquarium will be eager to populate it as quickly as possible! It is important to select the appropriate number of fish for the space you have available, and you will need to ensure you have matched these fish according to their respective needs, such as water type. To do this you should consult a marine expert or other trusted form of guidance.

3 min

Aquarium Plants: Starter Guide

Aquatic plants fulfil important tasks in the world of your fish. They offer hiding places for shy fish, with fast-growing plants reducing the burden on the water and enriching it with oxygen. Last but not least, healthy aquatic plants are a great focal point for any aquarium and provide a calming visual for any onlooker.

2 min

Creating a Garden Pond

A pond can be a real gem, enriching any garden and bringing a great deal of joy! However, anyone dreaming of a garden pond should be sure to plan correctly from the very start, so as not to be overwhelmed by the amount of work needed later on.

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Aqua Aqua Breeds

Butterfly Koi

Are you looking for new carps (Cyprinus carpio) for your pond? Then you should definitely consider the Butterfly Koi. Read in this article the most important information on this beautiful Koi.

Aqua Aqua Breeds

Land Hermit Crab

The Land Hermit Crab only lives in the water as a larva and later adapts to life on land. But what are the demands of these quirky crabs when kept by humans? Find out the most important information in this article.

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Aqua Aqua Breeds

Land Hermit Crab

The Land Hermit Crab only lives in the water as a larva and later adapts to life on land. But what are the demands of these quirky crabs when kept by humans? Find out the most important information in this article.

Aqua Aqua Breeds

Butterfly Koi

Are you looking for new carps (Cyprinus carpio) for your pond? Then you should definitely consider the Butterfly Koi. Read in this article the most important information on this beautiful Koi.